A New Job

So this is a Disney College Program update! Over the last month I have been transitioning to a new role at the company! I now work as Front Desk at one of the beautiful Disney Resorts. It is absolutely amazing and I love my new position. I wanted to give you guys a look into the 3 new things that have come with my brand new job!

1.) When you are a lifeguard you are not allowed to have conversations longer than 30 seconds. My whole job as Front Desk is to have conversations. So I pretty much went from complete silence to non stop conversation. I thought at first I would absolutely love talking all the time because I love to talk all the time, but its a little challenging haha. I definitely took a couple of shifts to get used to all of the conversation.

2.) Working late. I don’t know if you guys heard but there is always someone at the Front Desk. Perhaps it is 1am, 3am or 5am someone is always there. So if you haven’t put it together quite yet that means that sometimes I have to work really late. I don’t mind working late, I’m a night person, but the people who come to the Front Desk at 3am always need something really weird so you have to be very alert even though it is the middle of the night. I have taken to drinking coffee with an obscene amount of french vanilla creamer.

3.) Getting yelled at. I get yelled at a good amount. People pay a ton of money to have a magical Disney vacation, when it is less than magical they come to the Front Desk to discuss it. At first I couldn’t figure out exactly how to handle it but now I think I’ve cracked the code. There never really mad at me, they’re just mad about the situation and if I can fix it usually they will be fine.

So there you have it. I can’t wait to share more of my experiences at the Front Desk!

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