Lol so I was trying to figure out what to do with the rest of these pics because I didn’t want to not share them, but like there weren’t quite enough to make each one its own post so I just thought I would tie them all in together and share the stories behind the pics!
1.) Ok so both of these are from the Aphi pool party (I know, I know)! It was so much fun. Look at how nice and clean and not covered in ketchup my shoes are. Seriously such a fun party though with all my friends. Also I took my boyfriend which I just want to mention because the internet should know I have a boyfriend hahah (I am pretty sure he’s only with me bc I always keep my Brita full and he is ALWAYS parched).
2.) So like 2 weeks ago I got ridiculously sick. I actually can’t believe it lol and like as I am writing this I am still so sick. Hopefully I will get better soon because this is where I go to run stairs. Running stairs is such a good workout and the view is so pretty. I am a big fan. But I have gotten in terrible shape waiting to feel better but I can’t wait to get back out there.
3.) Went to a fun little brunch with Lauren and Taylor and took a quick pic after. I would say I wear a variation of this outfit every day. I also have a fake ponytail I like to slap on when I reallllllyyyy want to be Ariana Grande. Thank u, next.

5.) I AM SO TIRED. All the time. I have tried everything!!! Vitamins, a regular sleep schedule, and lots and lots of coffee but nothing works i’m still so so tired. It’s also so crazy because if I sit down or lay down for more than like 10 minutes I will fall asleep. It is the craziest thing. So if anyone has any suggestions PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
6.) I have recently been post grad employed!! I am so excited. I am definitely staying in DC for one more year and I am really happy. This pic of Mickey describes how I feel.
So just a little update. I miss you guys. Hopefully I’ll get some extra days off work and will be able to post more xoxo