Disney Reunion~ Part 3

Lol lets talk about Epcot. We went into it which such enthusiasm. We were all (almost all, sorry Sav) 21. We were going to drink around the world and hang out and live a nice life. Well Florida never lets us have that good of a time, so it rained. Like not even like a warm Florida rain, like a cold miserable rain. I am not even kidding you it was ridiculous. So what we did was yell at the sky and try to get over it. There came a point where I literally said “if you just get wet then Florida can’t beat you anymore!!!” I think that still rings true today. So here are some photos and a couple little notes about our rainy day in Epcot. 

Aww this is so precious. The day had just begun, my overalls weren’t see through, my camera was not broken. I had just purchased new ears and had a frozen lime marg. A dream.

Remember that marg I was talking about lol

Such happy dry girls living a happy dry life. Also please look at my pink magic band. So cute.

So Hayley and I got frozen margs outside, everyone else got iced from inside that bar thing inside the pyramid in Mexico. There is also an avocado marg thats blended that you can get from in there and I think that was pretty tasty. I still think frozen lime is best lol.

So after that it rained. But like I said it didn’t beat us. It did however beat my camera lens and I had to buy a new one when I got back to DC. So enjoy this photo from my phone of how wet and gross it was. 

After that there was a brief moment of sun and this lovely cast member (I am so fake and don’t remember her name but she was a joy) took these photos of us. You may notice some new friends! We were joined by some special guests Shannon and Bronwyn’s GF Giana. There was also another special guest Holly! But we were soggy and gross when she arrived and we didn’t snap a pic. Holly is a joy. 

So did we drink around the world? Absolutely not. I believe I had 2 margs and an alcoholic root beer float which, for the entire time I ate (drank?) it, wished it was a regular rootbeer float. It was really funny though to ride some of these rides, and dance in the rain with some Irish band and eat way too salty chips. It was actually a blast and while I think it could’ve gone smoother I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Here is Bron’s vlog from the day if you want to really get a play by play lol.


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