The guest post this week comes from my roommate (literally the one from my room), she works as Photopass in Magic Kingdom and out of all of us, probably likes her job the most haha. Here are her tips for Photopass, enjoy!

2. YOU GET TO MAKE A TON OF MAGIC! You have some freedom when it comes to photopass. We have our photo flow, which is just your standard couple of pictures, but after that you are free to take whatever pictures you want. It’s fun getting to play around with different poses, and different magic shots. Most guests just expect to get a photo or two in front of the castle and are very appreciative when you take the time to go that extra mile in creating amazing pictures.
3. GET A TOUGH SKIN! Not every guest is going to be as magical as you hope they will be. I’ve been yelled at for things not even closely related to photopass. You learn to deal with it, and eventually laugh at how rude some guests can be.

4. DONT WORRY ABOUT EXPERIENCE! There are tons of people who get accepted for photopass that have never held a camera in their life. The trainers are great at teaching you what Disney wants in a photo. There are people constantly looking over what you’re shooting so if something is off in your settings, or your shooting incorrectly, someone will be by to make you aware so everyone gets a great photo.
5. ITS A GOOD CP JOB! I hear horror stories about my roommates and friends jobs and it makes me VERY appreciative of the role I have. I can’t speak for everyone, or every park, but as far as leaders and coordinators go, they’re all great. Although as CP’s we don’t get to bid locations we want, once we’re out on the streets shooting, we have just as much of a chance for locations as anywhere else. There are plenty of times I’ll be on Main Street and someone that has been here 15 years is out sweating to death at Entrance and I get to be inside making magic with Tinkerbell. Although CP’s tend to work Main Street and East (Tomorrowland, castle hub, Fantasyland), I’ve still been scheduled/bumped to places like Princess Fairytale Hall. CP’s at most places get the short end of the stick, but with photopass, it’s a pretty even playing field.