Going Back To School

I’m almost done with my college program. It seems like it was an eternity ago that I started this thing but also I feel like I just started yesterday. I’m not ready to write a sappy post about the end of this program quite yet, so instead I will talking about going back to school and what I’m excited and nervous about.

1.) Starting up school again. I am half excited and half nervous of starting classes again. School is something that I enjoy but last semester I ran myself too thin. I got the best grades I had ever got in college thus far but I pushed myself to a point that I was WAY to stressed about individual class assignments. I think I understand now that there is a give and take. You need to push yourself in school to get good grades but grades are nothing to cry about. You try your best and that’s it, if you do that than you should always be proud of what the outcome is.

2.) This blog. I am SOOOOOO nervous to keep up with this blog when I go back to GW it’s going to be a lot harder to take pictures and plan things to do without gigantic theme parks to keep me occupied so I might have to post less times a week but no matter what I want to create content that people enjoy and want to read, so we will see.

3.) The cold. I feel like the first two things were really deep but I am terrified of the weather. I do not know what I am going to do. It was 45 degrees the last couple days and I almost died. Anyways I am dreading it and I think I am probably going to die.

4.) The people. The people of GW and the people of Orlando are very different. Gw students are some of the most aggressively successful people I have ever met and thats awesome if you need motivation but it’s not great if you already are stressed about the future. I love them but I also wish they told me a little bit less about their internships and how busy they are.

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