These last couple weeks I have been SO sick. Since I have been at Disney I had yet to get, like a really bad cold. These past couple weeks have been miserable. I was sleeping for up to 14 hours a day, I completely lost my voice, and I was so congested I was having trouble sleeping. I really haven’t been that sick in a while.
I also had a super severe allergic reaction to something that I ate (still have no idea what that was) and had to take benedryl around the clock for 5 days. It was insane. So basically I had a super crappy 2 weeks and I am so so happy that is behind me.
I realized about a week into the sickness that I had run out of posts. I was so exhausted and quite frankly I looked disgusting so I didn’t really feel up to creating content. I decided that it would be better to take a week off than to create sub par content.
I feel a lot better now so I will be resuming regular content this week! I am really happy to be back at full force and I have some really awesome stuff to show you. So stay tuned and oh my god it’s December lol.