In honor of returning to the blog, Here are 10 things that have been top of mind lately.
My Hobbies// I have enough hobbies to last a lifetime, but I love my hobbies. Lately, I have been getting antsy about what I want to do next. At the moment I am really into baking sourdough, working out, and reading. I think the next thing I want to do is start some sort of art class like pottery making or oil painting. I love doing a lot of stuff because it gives me good answers when I get asked for a fun fact about myself.
Taylor Swift// I didn’t get TS tickets and I am still in mourning. As a consolation to myself and my 2 friends (plus Holly who did get tickets but just doesn’t want to be left out) who didn’t get tickets, I think we are going to go on a cruise and just listen to a lot of Taylor Swift. I still love her and am still deeply sorry for supporting Kim & Kanye in 2016.
Time// I am working on being very intentional with my time. It is so easy to ‘waste’ time and then feels like you have no time to do the things you want. I almost never feel like I am wasting time anymore because I am so scheduled (and that works better for me). I would like to shout out my google cal which houses my entire life, my outlook calendar where I plan every minute of my day, and my notebook where I record everything I do because I have the worse memory of all time. I think I lowkey have really good time management so maybe ill explain my organized chaos at some point.

Social Media & TV/ I am becoming increasingly convinced that the less time that you spend on the computer or watching tv or on the phone the better your life will be. When I reach for my phone or to put something on the TV it is really because I am bored, so now I try to fill that boredom with literally anything else. I have recently started reading on my phone which actually works really well since I ALWAYS have my phone. This has been kind of strange to get off of social media while simultaneously posting on social media actively? But I will say I think my content is more original and interesting since I don’t look at as much content so I can’t copy them subconsciously. I also have those time limits on my phone and I follow them aggressively (I do an hour on TikTok and 30 minutes on Instagram). It made me happier to stop consuming so much.

Work/ I am working so much better than I used to. I am more productive, more present, and a better leader. All of this while also working fewer hours and being less stressed (I’m virtually at 0 stress) This is all because I changed my mindset. I would love to explain but I just typed it out and it made me sound like an insane person so if you want to hear my pep talk just call me, but I will say you can’t think negative and be positive.

Bucket List/ I have a note on my phone of bucket list things I want to do. I try to keep it really specific i.e. instead of ‘visit France it’s ‘look out of monets window’. Solely because I think it will be more fun to do the stuff that way! Once I get to 50 things I am going to make a cute printed list and try to do some of them.
Buying stuff/ I love shopping. I am actively trying to understand why I love shopping lol. I don’t wear 90% of the things in my closet. I also don’t need anything. I am at a weird crossroads where I want to do things that bring me joy but also I am wondering why this brings me joy ha.
Free Will/ Today I was at the gym and remembered I have free will and there were 30 minutes where I simultaneously was going to become a professional baker, deep sea fisherman, and a florist. I very quickly snapped out of all those options ha, but it was nice to remember that I can quite literally do whatever I want.

New Year’s Resolutions/ Every year right before the new year I create a word document and list out as many SMART goals as possible in different categories. I try to make a nice mix of easy and difficult, and by the time I am done, I usually have a list of about 150-200 things. The only caveat is that the date of completion is within the year so it can’t be too outlandish. I like doing this because whenever I feel bored or even worse like I haven’t ‘done enough’ I can look at the list and see the stuff I have accomplished or the stuff I haven’t accomplished yet. It keeps me disciplined which I honestly think is the most important characteristic someone can possess because it is the ability to do the things you need to do even when you don’t want to do them. Most of the people I see in life who are really successful are also very disciplined so I have chosen to also be very disciplined in the ways that matter to me.